Hi, you all! and hello to the new friends and faces that have joined the LMD family, thank you for being here <3. It has been a few months and I have been doing the grad school thing, enraged by the genocide happening in Palestine and injustices in the Congo and Sudan. I am so enraged and tired. There have been lots of tears, and stress but also so much love, and community over such a short amount of time. I wanted to share some things I have been spending my time doing and just check-in. I hope you all are staying well and taking care of yourselves. I as always am sending you lots of love to you and yours. Free Palestine.
School Things!
School is as hard as you might imagine. In ways, I felt very unprepared but in other ways, I quickly realized after about the first week. Underestimated isn’t even justifiable to use. Confused might be a better one. Being back in the school setting it felt so valid to make assumptions based on past experiences and compare the journey to undergrad. It is definitely not that. Lots more self-regulation and uncertainty that also just might be a little bit of doing school in your late 20s compared to your teens. Over these past few months, the things I have been knowing and loving might not come as a surprise. But they are tools that have been helping me get through these studies.
Pinterest: She really is that girl. I have no words, she’s been by my side for the past 10 years and hasn’t failed me once. Go, bestie!
Miro: The cousin you put up with cause they are family. Sometimes I like oh she’s fine, others I can’t stand her. But I love her and think we will be friends for life.
Canva: I would go to jail for her. PERIOD.
Photoshop: We have gotten into a few fights but I think we made up.
UT Libraries: My new bestie. Keeping me on my toes and getting me all the way together.
Zotero: Keeping your girl’s resources together in these trying times.
Life Things!
Reading: I am continuously drowning in readings for grad school. But in most of my free time, I am reading about the genocide in Palestine as well as learning more about the horrors happening in Sudan and the Congo. If you have any recs, please feel free to send them my way
Netflix: The great British baking show, Selling Sunset (watched the new season in a day), you’re correct, I’m not okay! Rewatching Girlfriends is kind of a healing and wholesome venture despite everyone on that show being a mess. Season 5 is when it’s going downhill.
Youtube: Always healing and calming for me, much needed during this time.
Instagram: Seeing fellow loved ones taking action and sharing resources despite the continuous misinformation in mass media. Has given me hope.
Morning Walks: Fred and I have been going on walks almost every day. It has been a great decompressor and a way to get out of my own head for a while. I love him.
Christmas: It’s November also known as Christmas Eve Month and I am soaking it in. It feels weird to not be in turtlenecks in freezing temperatures compared to Ohio. Still not sure how I feel about it.
Shopping: Needs no explanation.
Also, I hope you are all continuing to pay attention to the state of the world and the inhumanity happening to the Palestinian people and in Africa. I am continuously taken aback by the misinformation in the media and enraged on a daily basis. It feels so mind-boggling that every day is just going on in school and life and simultaneously wars are ensuing. The Western world is a major mind fuck to me sometimes.
Sending you lots of love always,
xoxo Little Mama.